High-Quality 10A Grade Virgin Bundle Hair

Nadula 10A Grade Hair Bundles

What is 10A Grade Hair?

Grade 10A is the best grade human hair weave, it is 100% virgin unprocessed human hair from one donator with thick ends and strong human hair structure. The original hair is usually collected and made into hair extensions and wigs by Nadula Hair.

Why Choose 10A Bundle Hair?

The price is the most expensive. Undoubtedly, the price is always together with the quality. The more expensive the hair is, the more high-quality it is. 

You can restyle, bleach and dye any colors that you want without damage as the hair is of the highest quality. 

No tangle, no mat, and do not require much maintenance.

10a bundle hair is 100% thick, strong virgin hair and if it’s looked after properly, it will last you a long time.