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Detailed Nadula Glueless Honey Blonde Kinky Curly Wig Installation-Beginners Friendly

Last updated Mon, May 22, 2023

The installation of wigs often requires some skills, and it may be difficult for beginners to operate for the first time. In order to solve this problem, make it easier for you to wear a wig, and make the wig look as natural as possible, people have designed glueless wigs. In this blog today, we will introduce you to glueless wigs and their detailed installation process, which is very friendly for beginners.

1. What Are Glueless Wigs?

A glueless wig, as you know it literally, is a wig that doesn't require the use of glue or tape, and is usually held in place by an adjustable elastic that comes with the wig and three combs at the sides and back.

Nadula Kinky Curly Honey Highlight Wig

2. Detailed Nadula Glueless Honey Blonde Kinky Curly Wig Installation

This is a detailed step-by-step tutorial on how to install glueless wigs. The next thing you can see is a very beautiful Beyonce vibes honey blonde kinky curly wig, how to install it smoothly, let's see the steps taught us by this influencer.

Hey you guys, welcome back to another hair tutorial. I know you guys are loving this hair. I hope you're loving this hair as much as me. You all know how I feel about my highlights, so today's wig is from Nadula hair, it is Kinky Curly highlight wig human hair 13x4 transparent lace front wig with honey blonde highlights, the density of this hair is 150%, so she is super full but she is also super soft. the curl pattern in itself is absolutely beautiful, so if you want to see how I was able to achieve this look, then just continue to watch.

1. Know All Information of The Glueless Wig Before Install

You guys already know I am installing this wig 100% glueless, but I'm going to give you guys a quick unboxing because Nadula hair sent so many goodies along with this wig, in particular, to make sure that you have a flawless wig in a wig store. Here is the wig from the Nadula hair, it is Kinky Curly highlight wig human hair 13x4 transparent lace front wig with honey blonde highlight. I believe I have this in either 22 or 24 inches, but check the description box, I will have all the information right at the top for you guys. The lace is a Swiss Brown lace and it is 150% density, this hair is 100% Virgin Hair, tangle-free, has no shedding and it's soft and bouncy. This hair is absolutely beautiful.

2. Cut The Additional Lace

Tie or braid your natural hair and put it in a wig cap. Then put on the glueless lace wig and adjust the position of the wig. Now I'm just going in with my wax stick and my hot comb because I'm going to slip this baby back. Now, this is a kinky curly wig, so I am not using that hot comb throughout the hair, because I do not want to ruin the texture. I'm only doing it at the very front. Once I finish that, I'm going to cut the lace, from around my ears. Make sure the wig is laying flat and it's also laying exactly how I would like it. Then I'm going to secure it with the even adhesive spray. So after letting the elastic band sit on for like 15 minutes, I'm combing out the edges of that lace, because we do not want crispy edges that are not cute. After I finish doing that, I'm gonna get rid of all that additional lace that I do not need, and I'm going to get as close to the hairline as possible.

3. Make The Lace Melt in Your Skin

Once I finished getting rid of all that additional lace, I'm going in with the end of my rat tail comb, and I'm just spraying a little bit of that even adhesive spray on the comb and dabbing it onto the lace because I really want that lace to be melted. Then I'm also going to go in with my makeup as well to make the lace look a little bit more like my skin color, she is melted, and she is looking good.

4. Style The Hair

It is time to style the hair. Now I am not doing baby hairs, I'm letting the hair down because I really want her curl pattern to just flourish, so what I will tell you guys is that this hair is so full, the curl pattern is so beautiful, but because it is a kinky curly texture, you really want to take your time. For styling, I first went in with my middle part, because I'm doing a middle part today. I went in with my wax stick and my hot comb to make the top of that lace super flat. Then when it came to really enhancing those curls and getting them to pop, I section the hair into three sections. Whenever it comes to like kinky straight, kinky curly wigs, I treat them just like how I would with my natural hair. So I take my time as far as detangling all that good stuff, sectioning the hair really helped that way, I was able to really focus on getting those curls to pop and detangling, so I used water and I also use a mousse that is the only products that I put on this hair.

5. The Finished Look

All right, you guys, what do you think? easy enough, right? the hair in itself is absolutely beautiful. It's so bouncy, it's so full. I did not have any tingling, I did not have any shedding, and I did not have any complications when it came to styling this hair or just installing this wig in itself. As you guys saw, I definitely used some water and a detangling brush because this is a kinky curly wig, so just make sure that you treat this wig with respect, because whenever it comes to curly hair especially kinky curly hair, you want to make sure that you are being as gentle with the hair in general because you do not want to ruin that beautiful texture. I want to thank Nadula hair for sponsoring today's video and I also want to thank you guys for tuning in. I love you and see you next time.


Glueless wigs have many benefits. It is easy to install and can help us save a lot of time. The glueless lace wig is also very breathable and comfortable to wear. It is light and smooth, wearing the wig is like wearing your own hair. No glue or tape needed means our hairline and scalp are less prone to damage and healthier. This is a safer option for people with glue allergies.