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Nadula Honey Blonde Curly Wave Highlight Wigs For Beginners

Last updated Tue, Jul 4, 2023

Are you a wig beginner? Are you interested in pre-cut lace wigs? If your answer is yes, here is the right place for you. In this blog, the YouTube superstar KO GLAMOUR will share the honey blonde curly wave highlight wigs for beginners. Read on, here is everything you need to know.

adula honey blonde curly wave highlight wigs

Does nadula honey blonde curly wave highlight wigs worthy?

I have a package from nadula hair. Let's open it together and install the wigs for you all today. We have some beautiful highlights, I'm already excited. I'm going to show you guys what else is in here before we get into the wig. It's in a nice little care package, a melt band, we love that and are definitely going to utilize that today set you up with some wig caps, and a brush, so when I'm needing to blend out my makeup if I blend it on the lace to make it blend with my skin. I forget about the lashes, which I super duper appreciate these are long real long bands this one's in the Doula one.

adula honey blonde curly wave highlight wigs

I'm using this one instead melt band. I'm going to use that one instead for today's wig, and we also have a robe, this is today because I actually already have on my shirt. I don't put it on this, instead, so I don't mess up my shirt which is great, let's put this on fire maybe I should take my shirt off and cover something, then it will be able to fall on the robe versus my clothes.

honey blonde curly wave highlight wigs

How to install nadula honey blonde curly wave highlight wigs?

I'm very excited to install my wig now up, and then there's a nadula sign on the back of it, too cute on brand, love that. Let's install the wig, now I love these highlights, perfect for summer, the perfect shade for summer, and it's a closure.

We have some combs, there has a little bit of rubber right here on the sides, which I think is supposed to be like an easier grip on your head, it doesn't slip and slide. And then, it has an elastic band. We also have another comb in the bag and that rubber is actually all the way around the entire unit.honey blonde curly wave highlight wigs
I don't know if I'm going to do baby hairs on this one or not, maybe I will, maybe I won't. I don't know for sure but let's try glueless. Now this is lace melt spray this is not glue and I think some people miss the point that when you say glueless glue I feel in my description. Let me put it in my description to me, glueless is two different things you can either use a spray that is not a glue, it's just a holding spray or you can literally have no type of product and lay your wig. It's up to you but when I do my baby hair and also ensure that it does melt into my skin like. I wanted to I might use a little bit of spray.honey blonde curly wave highlight wigs
We'll see them it just depends so you can do either or but anyways. Let's get this baby installed and take this one off first.
Here is the finished installation process of today's unit from nadula hair, so as you can see, I stuck with the middle part, and then lace. I don't know what they put in this lace. I don't know what they put in this lace because it melted right into my skin and I don't even think I've ever had a unit melt into my skin so perfectly before so shout out to the Doula, it's very thin.honey blonde curly wave highlight wigs
I gave myself a little bit of baby hair just, so it wouldn't look so straight across but they're not perfect, they're kind of playful just to be a little more natural looking, and then I put some water and mousse on the hair after I brush it out because you can see. When it came out of the package, it was like really really tight. I didn't want really tight curls. I wanted to be a little bit looser, a little bit more pulled apart so that's what we did you got to brush it out first and add your products back on there and it looks so good.honey blonde curly wave highlight wigs
I can't wait to see what it looks like completely dry, this is probably about 70 dry right now, and then, once it's fully dry, it'll probably get a little bit more volume which I do want to see and a little bit of a bigger state and I think it'll be so pretty and this is the perfect color for summer.


So if you guys are looking for something a little bit brighter try out the Duelist highlighted unit and I'll have the link in my description bar and let me get you guys about 360. You can for sure wear this unit without any product.
It's just up to you, you can also wear it without any products on your lace, but I liked how mine look with a little bit of my holding spray, but I can show you guys what it looks like with it glueless too, this is pulling it off, and then putting it right back on, so anyways if you guys are interested in this wig to make sure you check out my description bar, I will have a link for you guys if you like today's video make sure you leave a thumbs up, leave me a comment and tell me what you think about it.