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Can You Side Part A Wig?

Last updated Thu, Jul 27, 2023

Yes, you can, but exercise caution, or better yet, you can schedule a consultation, particularly if it is a synthetic wig. Moving the parting on a wig is achievable with both synthetic and human hair wigs. The length of time required and how good you are can make a difference.

Synthetic wigs are created from a type of plastic. You might think about bringing your synthetic wig to a qualified wig specialist to side part it. Wig makers utilize specialized instruments to heat the wig and move the parting on a wig.

If you attempt this at home, you risk damaging your lace wig. Someone who doesn't know what they're doing could easily melt the wig's plastic composition.

Our capacity to alter the part and style of our wigs to match our mood is one of the things we appreciate about them. We can place it in braids for a more playful appearance or wear it to display splendor.

You want to have the same freedom with your hair when you acquire a wig, and we'll provide you with the tools you need to succeed. So, you might be asking yourself, "Can I side-part my wig?" Yes, it is the answer. Let’s see why you might want to side part your wig and how to do it.

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Reasons Why You May Try Side Parting Your Wig

1. It Creates Volume.

A side part sew-in is an easy way to quickly add volume to flat hair. Naturally, having more hair on one side gives it more volume, creating the impression that you generally have more hair. Make sure to use the proper wash pair to add additional volume.

2. It Can Make Foreheads That Are Bigger Look Less Prominent.

Trying to make your forehead look less prominent? A side part will help provide the appearance of proportionality and give the appearance of a smaller forehead.

3. It Can Either Flow Over a Cowlick or Hide It.

If you have a cowlick, you can work with it and make a side portion that flows the same way. If the orientation means that it won't work for you, a side section can also help completely hide it.

ash violet with brownish body wave wig

Which Facial Types Can Successfully Wear a Side Part?

A side part front lace bob wig will help to balance your face and soften your jawline and cheekbones if you have a square, diamond, or heart-shaped face. Almost, every facial shape looks good with the side part. It can be divided left or right. They will still look good wearing it.

Women can run their fingers through their hair to make a side part and then check where it falls to achieve a natural-looking side part look. To get a traditional appearance, people can increase the volume on one side and tuck the other behind their ears. Changing sides can also help to hide thinning hair and make hair look fuller.

The side part will highlight the best features, such as cheekbones or eyes. In addition to bangs, the side part is another highly effective option if the hairline is rather high and one does not want to expose the forehead in a significant area.

A portion of the forehead can be perfectly hidden by wearing the front hair in either an upper left to lower right or upper right to lower left direction.

How To Make a Beautiful and Clean Side Part?

  1. Put on lace front wigs and use a paddle brush to remove all hair off their face.
  2. Grab a comb with closer teeth on one end and wider teeth on the other. Place the comb where you want it to go, separating it from the end to create a neat section.
  3. To ensure that all hair points in the desired direction, wet it and repeat the previous process. You don't want to burn the wig lace, so let it dry or blow out the roots while keeping the hairdryer on the lowest setting.
  4. To control the foam and hold it in place, don't forget to add hair gel, style lotion, or anything similar.

Women must select a lace front wig or full lace wig to achieve a side part.

How To Take Care Of Your Side Part Wig?

Now that you know how to side part your wig, let's see how you can care for it and keep it looking sleek.

1. Wash It Regularly

Regular washing is one of the best ways to keep a wig in good shape. You might eliminate oil buildup, dust, and debris by doing this. Use the proper products with care when washing your wig.

You may apply the same items you typically use on your own hair to your human hair wig because it has the same texture as your own hair. Avoid using alcohol-based cosmetics on your wig because they can seriously harm the texture. These substances will dry out your wig in addition to making it frizzy.

When you're through washing it, put your wig flat on a towel to absorb any extra water. Allowing the wig to air dry is an option if you're not in a rush. However, you can use a blow dryer with a low heat setting if time is of the essence.

2. Comb the Wig Regularly

Comb your curly wig with a wide-tooth comb to avoid needless tangling, starting at the tips and moving up to the roots. Untangle knots with fingertips before detangling.

3. Don’t Go To Bed With Your Wig On

Sleeping in wigs can lead to tangling and frizz, so it is important to take off the wig before going to bed and wear a silk or satin nightcap instead.

4. Store the Wig Properly

Wigs should be stored properly to ensure they last longer and prevent tangles. Hanging wigs on a wig hanger or mannequin head can reduce tangling and keep curls in place.

Final thoughts

A side lace part wig may conceal thinning hair and make your hair look thick and light, making it a perfect solution to instantly alter limp hair.