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Can You Wear A V Part Curly Wig With No Leave Out For Real?

Last updated Thu, Feb 16, 2023

Hey guys. Welcome back to my channel. In today's video, I have another human hair wig review for you. It's something very different for me because I've never tried a v part wig before. So I was actually kind of hesitant about this review. But you know here's the final look. So I'm going to show you guys my whole entire process.

Today's video is brought to you by Nadula hair. If you would like to see how I blend my natural hair with this curly wig, then just keep on watching. I have been low-key dreading this review because this is a v part wig, It's very similar to u-part wigs where you have to bring out some of your hair.

Difference Between V part Wigs and U part Wigs

But this is a little bit different with u part wigs. It's supposed to be a little bit easier than u-part wigs because you don't have to bring out as much hair as you did with u-part wigs. But the thing about this V part wig human hair is this is a looser curly texture, It's not kinky curly, so It's going to be a little bit harder for me to blend my hair. But I'm going to do it anyway. I have a lot of different tools in front of me.

Do The Leave out Of The V Part Wig

I do want to do leave out because I have watched several videos in preparation for this and some of the people don't do any leave out. The part space to me looks too wide, so we're gonna do leave out. It's a little bit tighter than I was thinking, but It's still definitely not my type for hair pattern. So we'll see what we can do.

kinky straight lace front wig

Here is what the front looks like, I hope you can see that v, and It's supposed to be, You see how that is. It's not as bulky as parts from back in the day. It's supposed to be flatter right here. That's how that construction looks, and then we have these clip combs here that I'm going to use to anchor in my braids now.

 I'm not going to try to do this all the time because I don't want to rip my natural hair out. So we have those four combs, two on each side of the v part. Then we have one like in the middle behind the v part. We have a comb in the back and adjustable straps.

 I'm gonna try to do it without leaving out. I don't want to be putting all this heat on my hair so we're going to try to do it with no leave out. I'm just scared because I have type 4 hair. I just washed this with my all conditioner, it just needs to air dry. But let me see what I can do because I have just one braid and I put some of this edge control from glee made around my part to get a more sleek part.

 I'm gonna have to lift my roots a little bit to hide the line of the v part wig. I have to bring some hair out here too. I'm putting the combs in the back end. The wefts are covered so now I just need to slip my hair down. If your hairline is not completely full, you can add matte black eyeshadow to fill in the space. Or can you can use the hair topic like filler fibers I used.  They don't look too bad.

Define The Curls Of The V-part Wig

You don't have to do baby hairs if you don't want to. But with curly hair, It's kind of calls for that. Now I'm going to define the curls and let it air dry. this v part wig looks pretty long. This is 24 inches and I'm six feet tall. She's still wet. I'm gonna go section by section.  

I'm just gonna run that through the curls and you can scrunch them up if you want to with kinkier textures. I don't have to do that the curls, just clump up by themselves. But this is a looser texture, It's going to be a little bit harder. so I'm just going to go through the hair and put this product in there. I might have to use a diffuser to speed this curling process up.

Okay. I've been doing my makeup for about 45 minutes and I just slid this elastic back. I could like blend the edges of my face and stuff. We're gonna complete the front of this v part wig. I'm gonna take this off. Don't have it too flat around. This would work even better if this was kinky.

Blend It With Natural Hair

All right, guys! We have gotten this v part wig together and I'm gonna tell you my thoughts on the process. It's actually not as difficult to blend my natural hair. I'm wearing this without leaving out, so initially, I thought I was going to use my hot tool and bring out some of my natural hair and curl it, but I didn't want to put a whole bunch of heat on my hair.

I wanted to try it without leave out so that's what I did. I think you should do if you are somebody who has type 4 hair or hair that does not match this texture, get the end of a rat tail comb and lift up the roots. That's an old thing that people used to do with their half wigs. Just lift up your roots without exposing the ends of your natural hair.

Price Of 14 Inch Curly VPart Wig

I wouldn't be embarrassed to go outside with this hair because It's not a bad blend now. It is 100% unlockable. This v-part thin wig comes in is 14 inches and at 150 density. only $131 which to me is very affordable for a human hair wig. But if you want 24 inches like this wig is going to be $294.

So if you're trying to save a little bit of coin and go with a shorter length, I'm trying to see if they have other textures in this. B because I feel like a kinky curly version of this v part wig would be better for me. They only have this one texture so that would be my critique think about people who have kinky hair.

I think that's going to drive up cost because kinky curly hair is more expensive but It's going to accommodate, you know more people like me who have type 4 hair. But actually, this didn't turn out too bad if you're somebody who doesn't like a middle part. For me, it was long and full which I like, but it had no shape to it.

Conclusion Of This V-part Wig Review

It didn't look as good because it didn't have any shape. So I did go through and cut it and you guys saw me layer it and take off some of the lengths down. It's about 16 inches the way that I have it now. It's definitely more wearable this way. Of course, if you want some inches to get your 24 inches. This turned out really cute.

This hair has a higher sheen or luster than my actual natural hair. I think it looks pretty good. I'm not mad at it and I don't think I look crazy.

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