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Everything You Need To Know About Oil Slick Hair

Last updated Fri, Oct 21, 2022

We're more excited than ever when it comes to hair color, and today I'd like to introduce you to a hair color you've never heard of before. It has a rich eye-catching color, which is oil slick hair. Are you tired of seeing your dark hair in the mirror? Are you reluctant to use a lot of brightening agent in case it damages your gorgeous strands? If your answer is yes, don't miss a valuable opportunity to improve your hair color.

The oil slick hair color incorporates dark, iridescent tones of blue, purple, magenta, green and red.

What is oil slick hair?

If you've ever seen an oil spill, you've noticed how the oil seeps into different colors, creating a rainbow effect. The oil slick hair brings a similar style to your hair. The oil slick hair color incorporates dark, iridescent tones of blue, purple, magenta, green and red. You can do oil slick hair with anything from highlights at the ends of your hair to Balayage. You can do oil slick hair with anything from highlights at the ends of your hair to Balayage.
The oil slick hair is a rainbow-colored treatment for black hair. It involves adding different colors of super-fine baby highlights to the hair to look like the tone change in an oil spill. The oil slick hair color works best with brown and black hair, as the jewel-toned highlights make dark base hair colors stand out.

How to get the oil slick hair?

1. Choose the hair color according to your preference

Choose the hair color according to your preference

Pick gems that match your basic hair color and skin tone. Otherwise, dye your hair a dark, thick brown so the highlights stand out.

2. Shine your hair using the Balayage technique

Shine your hair using the Balayage technique

This method applies the color by hand to the hair to allow it to flow naturally and fits the oil slick hair trend. Shine your hair from the middle to the end, just a few layers at the top.

3. Start dyeing your hair

Start dyeing your hair

Alternate the color with aluminum foil to separate the layers. For example, start with a deep purple and end with a deep red for a hair highlight. Followed by royal blue infused with verdant green. Leave the color in your hair for about 30-45 minutes. Keep checking your hair to see if you're having the desired effect. It may take longer to reach certain tones.

4. Wash your hair

Wash your hair

You should wash your hair with a color-friendly shampoo and conditioner. Don't use any toning products unless you want to, as they will change the color of your oil slick hair. Last but not least, you must use warm water or cold water to wash your hair, the hot water is harmful to your hair.

The wonderful oil slick hair ideas for 2022

The following oil slick hair ideas are some of the most exciting choices on the web to provide you with the ultimate inspiration. If you're planning a major makeover, these oil slick hair ideas will be your guide.

1. Oil slick highlights

If you're tired of blonde highlights, ask your hair colorist about oil slick highlights to add a little dimension and edge to your hair. If you're obsessed with cool hair colors, ask your colorist about this gorgeous blend of blue, green, and purple.

2. Peekaboo oil slick

Peekaboo oil slick isn't obvious at first, but that's entirely the point. When you run your fingers through your hair, your peekaboo highlights flash or wear your hair in half, which is another subtle way to try this trend.

3. Black oil slick hair

Long hair is the perfect choice for oil slick hair, as they offer plenty of room for the most unexpected and extravagant color interweaves. You can go for more colorful or subtle, almost unobtrusive silks.

4. Shadowy rainbow tint

Hazy rainbow hair is a new color trend, especially for girls who like subtle and dramatic colors. This could be Ombre and Balayage, or it could be different highlights. In any case, you should pay attention to it!

5. Blue toned oil slick hair

Each blue hair color is as unique as a snowflake due to its variety of shades. So why don't you use your hair to show off its richness and variety? Light blue, vivid blue, and purplish blue would be a stunning palette for experimenting with blues greasiness.
The oil slick hair color will last at least six to eight weeks. With proper hair care, it may last longer. But regular replenishment is needed to prevent fading. You can make the color last longer by using color-friendly hair products such as shampoos, conditioners, and masks. If you like adventure and fashion, the oil slick hair color will be your best choice at present.