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Honey Blonde Wig Price And Reviews On Youtube

Last updated Fri, Jan 26, 2024

Today I'm showing you guys this honey blonde wig that I installed. I installed it in less than 10 minutes, it's not much to this video at all. This has to be my easiest install ever. For the people always asking before you even watch the video. I'm gonna tell you all about this brown blonde wig right now. 

Nadula Honey blonde wig-big head friendly

This blonde highlight wig is big head friendly because I got a big head.I'm not sure if you could have a much bigger head than me and still fit into it. But yeah, I do wear large and this is large and it's bigger friendly. So I got this hair from the Nadula hair. It did come pre-colored and I didn't bleach the knots. I just plucked it this morning really quickly.

If you're new hit the subscribe button and join the pretty gang and also hit the notification bell, so you'll be notified any time I upload a post for you guys. And let me know what y'all think about the hair down below as usual. Stay tuned if you're interested in this honey blonde lace front wig from new Nadula hair. It's been a minute since I've done voice-overs. So I just wanted to do it today to show you how easy this is.

Nadula Honey Blonde Highlight wig

Honey Blonde Wig- Easy To Install

First, I put powder foundation on my lace and I applied it you swim cutting the tabs in the lace or whatever. Now I'm just burning down with got to be spray. This wig fits perfectly to my head, so you can see it's just sitting perfectly. It's so easy to spray and then leave it there. I styled this honey blonde wig off-camera on the mannequin head and I think I recommend that for beginners. Because that way the blonde lace front wig will already be styled once it's on your head, and you don't have to worry about that.

Then we're just going to cut off all the tabs. You'll see that there's a line around it. But I'm going to show you out in two seconds how to fix that. So to fix our line we're just going to spray, got to be spray along the edge. Yes, your blonde highlight wig is going to lift, this is why you have to work fast and tie it down. 

Then I'm going to take the long brown wig off in 10 minutes, but this time I blow-dried it so that I could take it off when it was done blow-drying. But once I blow-dried it and took it off, it's still a little light. So I touched it up with a darker shade of the same foundation and spread it. It will get to be sprayed and tidy back up so that the foundation can dry and along with the lace. This time it is my shade.

So here's the long blonde hair wig installed.that's how easy it is. It's done. The rest of this is just going to be. Cleaning up my part a little bit concealer and combing out the hair. But other than that, this is all for the tutorial. All right, that's the whole tutorial. It was real quick, real simple. So this is how the hair is looking. 

honey blonde wig

Reviews Of Honey Blonde Lace Front Wig

I know y'all probably have noticed I've been doing less baby hair. I'm gonna be honest the reason for that is I'm trying to do videos faster.

I'm trying to make these videos quick and simple for y'all. Yeah, here's today's straight blonde wig, it looks good. I'm a little bit surprised at how good it looks because I didn't bleach the knots or nothing, so I love these types of wigs for that they're easy to put on and you barely have to do anything to them at all. Real quick. Y'all know how we do we gotta go through the box. 

Okay, that's what's gonna do the hair is from the Nadula hair. They always have their signature on the black box. So fire! They're so firing anyways! so Nadula is pretty basic with the packaging. The black box is cute or whatever it says. It says the information on the back and how to care for the hair. But, the inside is also not really like you know. A lot of things the Nadula keeps it simple. And they send you the brown ombre wig cap which I've used both of them, which is why it looks like this. This is for people who already have like the tools at home, that would be fine for y'all. You already got the edge brush and all the hair wraps and all that stuff.

Details Of Honey Blonde Lace Front Wig 

Their packaging is fine, but I just want you to know it doesn't come with any of that stuff so real quick. We're gonna go through the stats of the brown blonde wig. I'm not gonna be lazy, because y'all know I usually put it on the Screen. but I'm gonna go through the stats. This is the Nadula's blonde brown wig. It's a 13x4 lace front wig, so limited parting or standard parting. I should say so, it only goes here. 

Y'all know I love 13x6, but this 13x4 looks pretty. And I'm pretty. It's because I just managed to not over plug this time. Because I'm over the plucker period. I said 150% density. It is 24 inches, I should have known that because it's longer than 22. It's a straight wig, it's not body wave or nothing like that which is why I got so straight like this.

Of course, like I said it's honey blossom comes pre-colored barely anywhere. Girl, you're doing the bare minimum trust me when I say I did this straight brown wig just all today. I didn't even have to wash it. 

Price Of lace front blonde wig

I'm gonna go ahead and tell you all the prices. I don't usually do this because I know some people are concerned about that. So I can start reading it in the video. The 24 inch like I have is 292 dollars and 26 cents. That is a decent price. That's actually pretty good. Especially considering that it's colored already, You don't have to do anything to it. You can slap it on your head if you want and pluck it while it's on your head.

Reviews Of Blonde Highlight Wig

I really do like this hair, it's giving me very much honey. I don't have any cons because I've been wearing this hair all day. I haven't experienced a single problem. It's still silky straight and I straighten this at six in the morning, it's currently like 7 p.m right now. We're going to change it up around here.


Okay, that's all for today's video. Let me know what y'all thought about the brown blonde wig as always. Don't forget to join the pretty game before you leave hit the subscribe button and comment pretty yang. If you're already part of it, you know all the links to check out. The Nadula hair is down below in my description box as well as the link to my lashes.I'm gonna see y'all in my next video. 

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