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How Many Real Brazilian Hair Bundles Do You Need?

Last updated Fri, May 24, 2024


The 100% human hair bundles are very good human hair products which are very hot-selling for a long time.All of the pieces available in our budget-friendly Brazilian hair bundle deals are the same quality of virgin Brazilian hair that we sell elsewhere on the site. The only difference is that you get a greater volume of hair at an even more affordable price.

Our Brazilian Hair has many unique properties which make it ideal for weaves. It is a deep brown with a natural texture and can be styled in a variety of ways to enable you to achieve that fantasy look you want.We apply the same standards to our entire line of Brazilian hair. Like all of our hair bundles, our Brazilian hair bundles have been collected directly from the donor, never treated with heat and harsh chemicals, and combed through from end to root to make sure that all of the strands flow smoothly in the same direction. With proper care, our Brazilian hair bundles have an average shelf-life of 6 to 12 months.

How Many Hair Bundles Do You Need?

There are many different length and hair textures of our Brazilian virgin hair.Depending on the length and texture of your natural hair, you may need anywhere between one and four Brazilian hair bundles to achieve the look you want to accomplish. Just one bundle is suggested to add volume or accentuate your existing style. If you want to create a full install or Brazilian body wave bundle deals, you will need at least two bundles for short hair and at least four for longer hair. More hair can be used to achieve greater volume and body with any texture.

The Advantage Of These Deals On Virgin Hair Bundles

Human hair bundles are proper for all of the Africa American women.Regardless of how much hair you think you need for your current style, it is almost always a good idea to purchase more. It is easy to underestimate just how much virgin hair you or your stylist will end up using.

Purchasing Brazilian hair bundle deals with either three bundles or four bundles at one time ensures that you and your stylist do not run out of hair through the installation process, and allows us to properly match the bundles together. Having extra hair leftover will make it easier to maintain your style and might even allow you to get two installs out of the same order.

Many women choose to only purchase a single hair bundle at a time whenever they need it. Unfortunately, that strategy may not be the most cost-effective in the long-term. Purchasing one of our bundles of Brazilian hair for sale is a larger up-front investment that results in long-term savings. If you compare the price of our bundles sold together in a pack to the price of bundles sold separately, you will realize that you can save hundreds of dollars by buying them together.

How Many Bundles Do You Need For Bundles with Closure?

Hair closures are always sold with hair bundles.We have 4x4 inch Lace Closure, 13x4 inch Lace Frontal and 360 Lace Frontal Closure for customers to choose.Some new buyers don't know how many bundles they need with closures for a full head, now we introducing it below:

1.Each bundle of hair we sell equals 100 grams (3.5oz) with tolerance +-3gram.

2.Hair length over a 22inch requires more bundle.

3.The longer the length, the more bundles you will need.

4.Don't get less than 2 bundles of hair if planning on doing a full head.

5. Slightly bigger head size than standard size going up a bundle or two is recommended.

6. Two More bundles the needed if you want a longer and fuller volume looking.

7. Length 30inch and over will need 4-5 bundles.

Tips For order Brazilian hair online

There are so many vendors are claiming they are selling Virgin remy Brazilian human hair. And almost all the consumers want to buy the good products with cheap price.But the cheap Brazilian hair for sale maybe not have quality assurance.So here we advise you to check the customer reviews of human hair before you order it.This can help you more to know the real feedback of the hair products from the consumers.

 Order Virgin Human Hair Products Online:

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