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Is It OK To Wear A Wig Without A Wig Cap?

Last updated Mon, Feb 20, 2023

Nowadays, wigs have become more and more popular, and more and more people use wigs to solve their hair loss problems caused by physical conditions and diseases or just to meet their simple hair beauty purposes. In many videos of wearing wigs, you will find that preparing a wig cap before putting on a wig seems like a necessary step. So, is it OK to wear a wig without a wig cap? How to get a flawless look without a wig cap? The answers are here. Let's dig into this query with us.

What Is A Wig Cap?

A wig cap is an accessory that comes with the wigs as a netting shape so that this item could fit perfectly on the head of users. Due to the elastic material and different sizes, a wig cap can fit anyone without any specific tailoring. And wig caps are a concrete foundation with a variety of materials and colors to meet all the different tastes of customers.

A wig cap as a protective barrier to their scalp can protect a sensitive scalp. And it also provides a layer of friction against the wig to prevent it from falling off. Besides, a wig cap also smooths out any unwanted bumps caused by natural hair underneath a wig.

Human Hair Body Wave Ultra-thin Lace Closure Wig

Can You Wear Wigs Without A Cap?

A wig cap is also a protector for your natural hair and scalp. If you have hair, a wig cap can keep your mane safely secured and out of your way especially, especially if your hair or wig is colored. If you don’t have hair, a wig cap can help protect your scalp against any uncomfortable or scratchy feeling that wigs tend to have.

Can you wear a wig without a wig cap? The answer is YES. Whether you should wear a wig cap, you can try to wear a wig with a cap and without wigs for a few days. Then you can choose to wear it or not according to your feelings. And before making your decision, here are some ideas to consider:

can you wear a wig without a wig cap

1. Your Wig Size.

If your wig is larger than your head, then we recommend wearing a wig cap. Because a larger size wig will slip off easily, a wig cap can help add friction and make your wig more secure. And if your wig size is smaller, wearing a wig cap will increase the burden on your scalp, which will cause your scalp to not circulate blood and even cause itching. Assuming your wig perfectly fits your head size, then you can choose to wear your wig cap or not at will.

2. Your Skin

The most common wig cap materials are cotton and nylon. If you are a person with sensitive skin, wig caps are not recommended. Nylon can irritate your scalp and cause itching, while cotton caps can make your skin dryer.

3. The Weather

If the weather in your area is very hot, then an extra layer of fabric would make the heat unbearable. At this time you can choose to remove your wig cap, especially in this hot summer.

If you really have to wear a wig cap, make sure it is clean before putting it on and well fitted for your head size.

How To Put A Wig On Without A Wig Cap?

We have mentioned that it is OK to wear a wig without a wig cap. Then how to handle this process? Here are detailed steps for you below.

how to put a wig on without a wig cap

1. Prepare Your Natural Hair

When you decide not to wear a wig cap, preparing your natural hair is very essential. You have to make sure that your real hair is flattened in advance. Here are 3 methods for you.

The first method is just to make your original hair into braids as normal. But this way cannot make your hair entirely flat but still has the ability to safeguard your hair strands. Braiding your hair is also beneficial to maintaining health and moisture during the wig application.

The second is to make cornrows, which are also the most common braids styles to protect your natural hair. The scalp will be less likely to be bulky beneath your wig. It is better to divide hair into small rows and braid your hair down the middle.

another way is to twist or make flat twists to get ready for hair application. The important note is to create small-sized twists to make sure to get rid of lumps or bumps.

2. Prepare Your Skin

Use a mild cleanser to clean the skin around your hairline. Use cotton balls dipped in alcohol to remove the excess oil along the edges of your hair. If you have sensitive skin, apply some hair serum as a tool to protect your scalp.

3. Install Your Wig

Put on your wig from the nape to the front and arrange the wig’s front above the brows. Then adjust the place to align the wig with your natural hairline. Next, trim the lace with a pair of sharp scissors until you are fully satisfied with it.

4. Secure Your Wig

The most common adhesive that most people tend to use are wig glue and tape. Choose the one you like and apply it around the hairline and wait for a while until the wig is secured totally. And do not add too much glue or tape. Otherwise, they will be spilled out to the scalp and be harmful to your skin. Therefore, please be careful at this step.

5. Style Your Wig

Now you can play your imagination on your wig. You can use heat tools or other styling tools to style your wig into any hairstyle you like.

Wear Wigs Without a Cap


All in all, whether you should wear a wig cap before putting on a wig is up to you. It is a result of a combination of a lot of different factors. And to get the best comfort, we recommend you choose lace front wigs made out of 100% human hair, which has higher quality and can provide you with the most natural and realistic hair look.