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The Best Beginner-Friendly Jerry Curly Summer Wig Review

Last updated Fri, Jan 26, 2024

Do you like Jerry curly wig? As we all know, Jerry curly wig is soft, thick, elastic, and silky. The Jerry curly wig is a perm style that is very popular among black women. This style is very fashionable and is one of the most popular wigs nowadays. In this blog, I'm going to share with you what YouTube influencers have to say about the wig, keep reading!

jerry curly wig

The best beginner-friendly jerry curly summer wig review

Hi guys, welcome back to my channel, so today I'm back with another hair video, and today's wig is from nadula hair. Today I'm working with this wear-and-go wig, which basically means everything has been done for you. The lace comes pre-cut, and it comes with three blocks as well.

beginner-friendly jerry curly summer wig

So you can literally install the Jerry curly wig, straight out of the box and you don't need to glue it down as well. It's 100% glueless. The jerry curly wig comes with an elastic band and it also comes with a breathable wig cap, which is perfect because you guys know the weather's getting warmer.

How to install the best beginner-friendly jerry curly summer wig?

This is what the Jerry curly wig looks like. This is a jerry curly wig, it's a 24 inches wig and it's 150-density. This jerry curly wig is definitely perfect for summer and it's very beginner friendly.

beginner-friendly jerry curly summer wig

If you're someone who struggles with installing your wigs or cutting the lace on your lace front wigs and this is definitely the Jerry curly wig for use. If you want to see how I installed this wig, then make sure you stay tuned and carry on watching.

1. Adjust the elastic band

How to install the best beginner-friendly jerry curly summer wig?

Right now, I'm just adjusting the elastic band that comes with the Jerry curly wig just to show you guys that you can actually wear this wig totally does less. You don't have to glue it down, you don't have to use any hair mousse and any hairspray.
This is what the Jerry curly wig looks like without me gluing it down, but I am going to go ahead and glue it down, so the lace came pre-cut, I didn't have to cut the lace on the Jerry curly wig. It came three blocks as well. I've not done anything to this wig, and also the lace on. The wig is a 6 X 4.5 lace closure wig, which basically means it's 6 inches across, and then it's 4.5 going this way. This is what it looks like.

2. Apply my foundation to help the lace match my skin tone

How to install the best beginner-friendly jerry curly summer wig?

I've just applied my foundation to help the lace match my skin tone and the lace looks very good. I've not used anything and the wig fits very snugly on my head. I think I'm going to go for a middle part, so I'm just going to redefine my part, and then, we can go from there.

3. Use a hot comb at the top

How to install the best beginner-friendly jerry curly summer wig?

This is the hairiness natural state. I did wash the hair, and then I left it to air dry. 'm just going to go in with my hot comb at the top, does not require you to do too much to it, and this is just to show you that you can wear this wig absolutely glueless. You don't need to glue it down. It it's not really down, but I'm going to go ahead and use my bedhead spray. So this is what the lace looks like, it looks really good.

4. Melt the lace

How to install the best beginner-friendly jerry curly summer wig?

Now, I'm going to go ahead and use my melt band just to melt the lace in a proper look. This is what the Jerry curly wig looks like, so like I said this wig is from nadula hair, and this is their wear-and-go wig.

Real views about beginner-friendly Jerry curly summer wig

Honestly, this Jerry curly wig makes so much sense. It's definitely beginner-friendly like you, don't have to do anything to this Jerry curly wig. I like the fact that it's very easy to work with. It's a closure wig, so you guys know closure wigs are literally the best, so like I said this is the Jerry curly wig, and it's their wear-and-go wig. There's not really much to do to this bigger size, just install the wig and you're good to go. Real views about beginner-friendly Jerry curly summer wig
I think this wig is definitely perfect for summer, as well as for those days when you just can't be bothered to do anything to your hair, so it's 150 density and I just listen, the hair is so soft and it's so fluffy as well, so there's no tangling, there's no shedding, even when I co-washed the hair, it was just very easy to work with.
I didn't need to detangle the hair or anything like that, and I'm really impressed with the lace as well, so this is what the lace looks like, and it came free plucked as I said, so I'll make sure to list all the links that you guys need in the description bar below, and I'll see you guys in my next one.


Jerry curly wigs are known for the loose, frizzy sheen they create in the hair. It's a low-maintenance hairstyle that doesn't require a lot of attention and care to maintain. Have you been shocked by this wig? Come to nadula hair to choose the best Jerry curly wigs! If you want to know more about Nadula real customers' reviews, please click here.