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5 Hottest Bob Wigs Under $100 You Must Try

Last updated Sun, Jan 15, 2023

Have you ever wanted to buy a wig like this or have you already bought one? Its hair is short and changeable, so it doesn't look old-fashioned. This is the elegant Bob wig! What exactly is a Bob wig? How much does it cost? Today I've given you five great Bob wigs under $100. Keep reading to learn more about Bob wigs.

Bob wigs

1. What kind of wigs can be called bob wigs?

2. 5 Hottest bob wigs under $100 in Nadula hair

3. Conclusion

What kind of wigs can be called bob wigs?

In our daily life, you may have heard or seen Bob wigs more or less. So what kind of wig can be called a Bob wig? In fact, every Bob wig should have two things in common:

1. The length of wig

The first thing is hair length. Bob wigs have shorter hair lengths than regular hair and longer than pixie cut styles. Generally speaking, these Bob wig styles range from 8 to 14 inches in length. In addition, Bob wigs that range in length from 8 to 10 inches are short Bob wigs, while 12 to 14 inches are considered long Bob wigs.

2. Tailoring

In general, a Bob wig is cut in a straight line at the bottom of the hair. Except that the front and back of the hair are not at the same level. The hair on the back of the neck is always significantly shorter than the front of the wig. The ends of both the front and back of the hair are on the same horizontal line.

5 Hottest bob wigs under $100 in Nadula hair

Bob wigs are a good choice if you don't have a big budget. A Bob wig is known as a short-sized hair wig. In fact, the longer the hair length, the higher the price, so buying a Bob wig can be more affordable than other people wearing lace front wigs. Here are five Bob wigs under $100 in Nadula that are not only cheap but also of the best quality, so you can wear different wigs all summer long.

1. Straight Short Bob Wig

 Straight Short Bob Wig

The straight short Bob is a clean, classic hairstyle. They are an excellent choice for casual or formal activities. It has a lace size of 13*1, which is commonly known as a t-part wig. As we all know, a t-part wig is a type of lace wig, but with minimal lace sheen, so it is usually cheaper than other lace wigs, and you dye, perm, bleach, and redesign it as you wish.

2. Human Hair Bob Wig With Bangs

Human Hair Bob Wig With Bangs

Bob wigs with bangs are the perfect way to change your appearance and look extra youthful. A lot of girls like Bob wigs with bangs. This kind of human Bob wig with bangs will easily hide the hairline and look natural. While most Bob wigs range from 8 inches to 14 inches, the human hair Bob wig with bangs comes in one perfect size: 10 inches. You don't have to worry about choosing a wig size at all.

3. Short Bouncy Fluffy Curly Wig

Short Bouncy Fluffy Curly Wig

Do you like curly hair? This 10 inches short bouncy fluffy curly wig is perfect for you. In contrast to other common curly lace wigs, this 110 inches short bouncy fluffy curly wig looks more casual and relaxed. It will make you feel lighter and more comfortable when wearing it.

4. #33 Ginger / Copper Red Wigs

#33 Ginger / Copper Red Wigs

Are you tired of black hair? Come and try red hair! This copper red wig will make you more attractive in the sun. There are 2 different lengths you can choose from. If you're not used to a short Bob wig, you can opt for a long-inch Bob wig that you ordered 14 inches. For example, make a half top and half bottom with a 14-inch straight Bob wig. This style will make you look younger and more fashionable.

5. FB30 Straight Highlight Bob Wig

 FB30 Straight Highlight Bob Wig

FB30 is a blend of two colors, 1B and 30, with dark hair roots with mixed brown and gold highlighter colors, it looks very pretty and stylish. As we all know, black and brown have always been two of the most classic and versatile colors, and you never have to worry about them not matching your skin tone. Whether you have chocolate skin, olive skin, or light or dark skin, the FB30 wig matches your skin color perfectly. There are three different lengths you can choose from.


Bob wigs are the most popular in summer. Short human hair lace wigs are preferred due to the hot weather, but Bob wigs are the best choice for summer. As one of the leading professional suppliers of human hair products, Nadula hair is helping girls achieve a gorgeous look this summer with a new range of cool wigs for women of color. Find Nadula wigs to pick out the best Bob wigs for you!