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How To Do A Heart Braid?

Last updated Thu, Dec 15, 2022

With Christmas around the corner, heart braids are all the rage these days. Heart braids look outstanding on your body and are a great way to show your love. Let's be the brightest girls at the Christmas party. heart braids look difficult but are very simple. I will guide you step by step through this blog.

What Are Heart Braid Hairstyles?

A heart braid is a hairstyle in which a heart shape is used. The pieced braid method is usually used when making a heart braid design. The placement of heart shaped braid depends entirely on your preference and can be designed in the head's middle, back, and sides.

Heart braids can be combined with any other braided hairstyle to create intricate patterns. You can also create your heart braids. This blog overviews how to braid heart shaped Dreadlocks and daily heart braids.

How To Do Dirty Braid Heart Braids?

heart braid

1. Determine The Hairstyle

Keep your hair clean before doing this hairstyle. Once you are done with the heart braid hairstyle, it will last for a long time, at least a week. You need to choose a hairstyle and figure out where you want the heart design, such as side parting, middle parting, or back parting.

2. Prepare a Rat Tail Comb, Hairspray, Or Hair Gel

Use the comb to make a heart outline and part your hair into a c-shape. Don't forget to apply some gel or hairspray to make it clean and neat. If your heart braid is on one side of your head, the first one will be a round c, but the next one will be a c-shape that extends to where your ear begins.

3. Part Your Hair Diagonally

Braid your hair in the center of the heart to ensure you have the perfect design, then separate your hair along the diagonal starting from the outermost point on that side. The section connecting the diagonal part to the bottom hair is where you add braided hair.

4. Braid The Heart With The Hair Strands

Braid the heart from the inside corner. A small amount of hair should be added each time you braid. The process is the same for the other half of the heart. Once you have finished braiding the hearts, you will need to use thread and pins to secure them.

How To Do a Daily Heart Hairstyle?

Braid Hairstyles

1. Starting with the center section, use a wand or smoothing iron to add loose texture throughout the hair.

2. Cut out a heart at the highest point of your head or wherever you want to choose. No need to cut out the point of the heart, just the two arches towards the top!

3. Take a small section of hair above where the two arches meet on either side and divide it into three strands. Keep collecting hair from close to the face as you braid. Follow the curved arches of the previous sections.

4. At the end of the arch, continue braiding into a basic three-strand braid without collecting any hair. Once the braid is long enough to complete one-half of the heart, secure it with an elastic band.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 above to form the other side of the heart!

6. Once each braid is secured. Holding the ends of the braids, pull the coils of each braid out slightly to expand the shape of the braid and add fullness.

7. Tie the braids together with a rubber band. Take a small strand from the ponytail formed by joining the two braids together. Use it to wrap and hide the elastic band. You can secure it with another elastic band. Pull the ponytail apart and push up on the second elastic to hide and secure it.

8. Secure your heart-shaped braid with your favorite hairspray.

This braid is super cute and sexy, perfect for date night. Not only is it a great hairstyle for everyday life, but it's also the perfect braid for other special occasions, such as weddings (which are very pretty for flower girls). Heart braid hairstyles aren't just limited to little girls, but big girls can use them too!

Can Wigs Be Braided?

Wigs can certainly be braided. You do not have to worry about unnatural because Nadula's wig is 100% real. You can heat-treat the wig and weave it. And it creates a hairline with a natural hair seam. You can also restore the shape by spraying hairspray and heating it with a hair dryer after you don't want to use weave styling. Wig products that can be used for hair braiding.

Wig Products That Can Be Used For Hair Braiding

Nadula Hair provides you with 100% human hair wigs at a good price, using real hair bundles for longevity and a natural look. If you need more, click on the links to learn more.

1.Nadula 13x4 Lace Front Wigs Straight Human Hair Wig

Nadula 13x4 Lace Front Wigs Straight Human Hair Wig

2.Nadula 5x5 Transparent Hd Lace Closure Straight Wig

Nadula 5x5 Transparent Hd Lace Closure Straight Wig

3.Nadula Transparent Natural 613 Color Lace Front Wig

Nadula Transparent Natural 613 Color Lace Front Wig


Have you learned how to braid your hair in the shape of a heart? If you can put the heart on your head, it's very cute and pretty. Go ahead and try it out! If you have any questions, please leave a comment below.