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How To Straighten Black African American Hair With Right Way?

Last updated Fri, Jul 26, 2019

Having straight hair that looks like its been professionally done is the goal of everyone. We all want hair like the celebrities. Straightening natural hair, or waves hair extensions, can be difficult at times but this article will cover it all. We'll explain how to straighten natural hair, flat ironing natural hair, and much more. For starters, we recommend the HSI Professional Second Generation flat iron.

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Dos and Dont's: How To Straighten Natural Hair?

1. Do's

Wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo prior to flat ironing to remove any build-up.

Deep condition your hair a week or two prior to straightening. This will nourish your hair and increase its resistance to heat.

Apply a protein treatment within a week before straightening. This will strengthen your hair.

Apply a heat protectant before blow drying.

Blow dry hair downward. This will allow for a better quality flat ironing process.

Work with hair in sections.

Wrap flat ironed hair with a silk or satin scarf before bed.

2. Dont's

Don't use over 450 degrees when flat ironing.

Don't use oils or butter before blow drying and flat ironing

Don't flat iron each section more than twice.

Don't flat iron every day.

Don't use water-based moisturizers, avoid water in general.

Don't forget to apply a protein treatment to your hair after flat ironing.

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How To Flat Iron Natural Hair?

The first step in the process of having straight hair, you need to group your hair into specific sections so that it is easier to straighten. If you have thicker hair, you should group it into more sections so that all your hair gets heated.

Once you have your hair grouped up into manageable sections, guide the straightener to about an inch or so below your roots, and in a slow, but swift motion glide the straightener down the shaft of your hair to the end.

For any sections of your hair that you may have missed, take the straightener as close to your scalp as possible, pull the straightener down your hair and away from your scalp outwardly.

After you're finished, you should consider using a shine spray to maintain a glossy look. This is of course just a recommendation. Follow these steps while straightening natural hair to get the best results. If you are wearing curly hair weave, you can use the same method to get the straight hair weave.

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What Flat Iron Should You Buy?

When you're shopping for a new flat iron, be sure to take note of the weight. Understand that you'll be holding that flat iron up in the air for minutes at a time and if it's heavy, you'll be feeling the burn (pun intended) at the end of your straightening session.

Now, each individual flat iron has its own heat settings. The texture of your hair will determine what temperature you will need to use.

Cheap flat irons you find at your local beauty store will work with settings that automatically begin on a higher temperature than more expensive flat irons. If the density of your hair is right, then you won't need to adjust the temperature at all. But if your hair is thin the temperature might be too high which could potentially do more harm than good.

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Straightening Natural Hair Myths

Those of us who are born with naturally wavy or curly hair are always looking for ways to get our hair straight and have it look as natural as possible afterward, but there are many myths in the beauty world when it comes to straight hair.

These are things like split ends being reversible, some girls wake up with perfectly straight hair, and that some just have naturally smooth hair and no matter what happens to it, it won't frizz up or look dirty. These things just aren't true and the truth is told, we all must work for that smooth, frizz-less style that we clamor for.

Any woman who has ever had that smooth straight hair understands that not only do you have to put effort into getting it but some heating components are required.

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Avoiding Common Straightening Mistakes

One thing people do when they are pressed for time but want straight hair is they use the straightener on wet hair. Avoid doing this at all costs, there's a high chance of you damaging your hair. No matter it is hair bundles or lace frontal closures. Not to mention the smell. You should also avoid using any heating tools that are broken, chipped, or damaged in any way as this can cause a fire, damage your hair due to dis-proportioned heat, or cause a short. If you would like to avoid getting dry hair from using a flat iron then try to limit use to about 3-4 times a week.

Cleaning your flat iron is also important to prevent product build up. There are special mixtures that are made for cleaning flat irons however you can also just use warm water.

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